Dream Manager Helps Call Center Employee Say Goodbye

John couldn’t remember the last time he had seen his mother. It had been at least five years since he moved from Minneapolis to Phoenix. When he said goodbye to her, he had every intention of visiting often. But then life happened. He met his girlfriend, he got a job, he became a father. John’s […]

Call Center Acronyms for Industry Newbies

You’re stoked! You love helping people through conversation and you just landed your first call center position! You enter your first day of training and your trainer starts saying things like ACW, AHT, BPO… and you’re lost and perhaps a little overwhelmed. Who knew call centers had so many acronyms? No need to fear, we’ve […]

Top Tips for Working from Home

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many companies have urged employees to work from home to reduce the risk of infection and essentially flatten the curve. What could sound like a vacation, working from home requires a bit of adjustment to ensure your productivity rates stay high. Here our top tips for working from home when […]

Diversity + Inclusion: Valor Global Takes a Stand Against Racism

Valor Global Costa Rica believes in diversity and inclusion. Watch, as our team takes a stand against racism with their stance on diversity and conclusion in a public testimonial. Spanish to English translation: “We (at Valor Global) are committed to promoting free spaces of all forms of racial discrimination. That is why we say NO […]

Valor Global Growing Through a Little Luck and a Lot of Strategy

“My nickname is ‘Lucky,’” said Simer Mayo, CEO of Valor Global. And the harder he works, as the saying goes, the luckier Mayo gets. “I outwork the competition,” said Mayo, whose company provides customer support 24/7 by phone, email, chat, social media and the web. “I dream big and work toward it.” One of Mayo’s […]