Brand new to the city, Sarah had big dreams as she started a new college in the Fall of 2019. This was going to be her year. This was going to be the place where she stopped roaming and found home.
New Beginnings
Shortly after landing in Phoenix, Sarah landed a job at a call center. A steady, full-time job with a good shift and benefits, she was excited to start her new journey at Valor Global. She loved being a call center agent, helping customers troubleshoot and solve issues with their streaming service. Sarah thrived on gaining trust, getting good surveys on her calls and even more, keeping her ACW time short.
The problem for Sarah? She couldn’t find a permanent place to live. She had moved to Phoenix, knowing that she could move in with an old friend from elementary school. But shortly after, the friend abruptly asked her to move out. No worries, Sarah thought, she’d already met a few great girls at school and had a backup plan. She’d been down this road before in Chicago, so she was ready for anything that came her way.
Nowhere Left to Go
Then, her college friend was ready for her boyfriend to move in and Sarah to move out. A short-term stay on a couch in an unhealthy environment, Sarah resorted to sleeping in her car. Since Valor Global runs 24/7, Sarah would park in the back at night and leave early in the morning to a local fitness center to shower, then head to school before heading back to Valor for her call center shift.
Dream Manager
One morning, she slept and woke to her manager knocking on her window. Sarah embarrassingly shared her story with her superior, who immediately said that the Dream Manager could help. Sarah thought the Dream Manager was for those with dreams to Disneyland, not a poor, displaced girl like herself. The manager ensured her that it was there for her help, so after an email exchange, Sarah met with the Dream Manager. Sarah was nervous to meet with the Dream Manager but felt that this was her best bet to getting out of her car and into the home she dreamed of.
The Dream Manager Program is meant as a resource to help employee’s dreams come true. The dreamer and Dream Manager will meet to go over their dream, what’s stopped them pursuing their dream in the past, what resources, behaviors or changes they need to make to ensure that dream to come true and finally, steps to get there.
A Dream Come True
In the discovery meeting, Sarah and the Dream Manager discussed her need to build a credit score. A young, college-aged girl, she had not worked on her credit score and therefore could not get into a place without a roommate before her meeting. The Dream Manager worked with Sarah to figure out her budget and find a new credit friendly place. Once they did, the Dream Manager gave Sarah credit resources and worked with the executive team to collect monies to fill Sarah’s refrigerator and put down a security deposit for electricity.
Bright Future Ahead
Today, Sarah is happy living alone in the apartment that she has turned into a home. “Many people may not think it’s much, but for a girl like me, it’s a dream come true. I love not only having my own place but knowing that my home isn’t going anywhere so long as I keep working hard and focused on my goals.”
We admire your heart Sarah and know that you will continue to exceed our expectations and better yet, your very own.