From 'Doing' to 'Being':

How Core Values Define Our Journey

Insights from John Craine, President of Valor Global

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. We often define ourselves by our roles and responsibilities, whether it's our job title, family roles, or community positions. But, have you ever paused to ask yourself, "Who am I beyond these roles?" This question holds the key to understanding the essence of our being and aligning it with our actions.

Recently, I came across a speech asking if we are 'human beings' or 'human doings.' It struck a chord with me. I can't help but relate its message to our three core values at Valor Global. These values, "Exceeding Expectations," "Admiring Our People," and "Being Passionate About Making a Difference," aren't just words on paper. They embody a profound truth about who we are individually, as a community and what we stand for.

Let's take a moment to explore how this inspirational speech aligns with our core values:

Exceeding Expectations

Valor Global's first core value is all about Exceeding Expectations. It's more than just a motto; it's our way of life. When we consider this in the context of "Are you a human being or a human doing?" it resonates deeply. Being a "Human Being" means understanding the unique needs of others, embracing their dreams, and relentlessly striving to exceed their expectations.

Just as the speech suggests, we don't define ourselves solely by our roles but rather by our attitude and commitment to delivering transformative solutions. Whether you are a Customer Service Agent or a Team Member, we believe you are an intelligent, compassionate problem solver. You, in essence, are an embodiment of Valor Global's commitment to exceeding expectations.

Admiring Our People

Our second core value, "Admiring Our People," aligns with defining individuals not by titles but by how they treat others and their inner beauty. We wholeheartedly support our team's dreams and passions, fostering personal and professional growth. In this sense, we become more than just employees; we become a family dedicated to one another's well-being.

In a world that often emphasizes the "doing," Valor Global takes a step back to appreciate the person behind the role. Your job may define your doing but doesn't define who you are. Our culture encourages you to embrace your unique inner beauty, and in turn, we admire the qualities that make you exceptional.

Being Passionate About Making a Difference

Just as the speech suggests, we don't define ourselves solely by our roles but rather by our attitude and commitment to delivering transformative experiences. Whether you are a Customer Service Agent or a Team Member, we believe you are an intelligent, compassionate problem solver. You, in essence, are an embodiment of Valor Global's commitment to exceeding expectations.

Finally, "Being Passionate About Making a Difference" embodies the call to focus on internal aspects of identity, specifically, the passion and compassion that drives our desire to create change for the better. This core value reminds us that no matter what roles life may thrust upon us, we possess the power to be the person we've always aspired to be for others and ourselves.

Choose a positive attitude, treat others with genuine kindness, and appreciate your own unique inner beauty. These are not just words; they're the driving force behind Valor Global's commitment to creating meaningful change for the better in people's lives and advancing initiatives that benefit the community.

At Valor Global, life isn't solely about the "doings"; it's about the essence of who we are. We recognize that challenges may come our way, but our inner spark and the values we hold dear empower us to rise above and make a difference that extends beyond our roles.

Valor Global’s three core values – Exceeding Expectations, Admiring Our People, and Being Passionate About Making a Difference – are more than mere words on paper. They represent a commitment to embracing the essence of what it means to be a “Human Being.” We take inspiration from the speech that spurred this discussion, but our values are the foundation upon which we build a world far beyond the labels that define us. Our journey is a testament to the belief that life is about “doing all those things despite the challenges in between,” fueled by an unwavering commitment to who we are at our core and a global community.